Recognition & Reward for Hard Work and Attitude

It’s been a full 2 weeks since I started a new job. There was the anxious energy of getting to know new people but also determining if you made the right choice of career path. Although you hope that the culture, the role and the leadership aligns with what the company advertises and pitches you on – this is not always the case. I learned this from my previous role where the owner controlled everything and built a culture of fear and lack of trust or ownership with its employees. They also marketed the importance of their customers which was not the case. The priority was always money before people – employees and customers alike.

Happy to report that this isn’t the case with my new job. It may still be the honeymoon period of being with the company but I already feel empowered, challenged and most importantly valued as a person and as an employee. My boss is a breath of fresh air. Since I am in a leadership role, I often report directly to the owner or president of a company. Their personalities are often strong and intimidating, which isn’t a bad thing as long as they are humble and practice a servant leadership style. I am not disappointed this time around and hope to be with this company until retirement.

I finished my first 2 weeks in my role already receiving acknowledgement of my hard work and positive attitude towards the challenges facing me around the teams I lead. In my past role, I was there for almost 2 years and didn’t once get any recognition despite working sometimes 70 or 80 hour weeks and bringing in over a quarter million dollars in sales revenue. It truly goes back to the saying, “When one door closes, a window opens.” This is why leaving a company is difficult but if you are not being recognized or rewarded and feel valued – it is not worth the stress and anxiety of staying. It is a risk being somewhere new but if you don’t take a risk – you will never land in a place of contentment in your career and your life in general.

I look forward to the days, weeks, and months ahead with a positive outlook on the future.

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